Run United 5k

Mt Juliet, TN

The Run United 5k is a fundraising event hosted by The Institute for Educational Volunteer Programs. All proceeds from Run United will go to Sheaves for Christ, First United Pentecostal Church of Nashville Senior Bible Quizzing teams and Multi-Cultural Ministries

Run United race date is being postponed, stay tuned for new date.

Sheaves for Christ

Tupelo Children’s Mansion
The dissolution of the traditional family has resulted in the shattering of many young lives. With many young people subject to the problems that a broken home produces, the Mansion provides a place of solace for those who have been abandoned and abused. The General Youth Division is thrilled to partner with TCM by providing funds that support this vital ministry. For more information about Tupelo Children’s Mansion, please visit

Lighthouse Ranch for Boys
The purpose of Lighthouse Ranch is to heal the broken lives of young men. This healing is accomplished through therapeutic guidance methods and by the Word of God. Through the spirit of love and caring, Lighthouse Ranch has helped steer troubled boys toward living responsible and mature lives. Visit for more information.

Spirit of Freedom Ministries
This ministry is a non-profit Christian organization dedicated to reaching the chemically dependent and their families with the answer to their alcohol or drug-related problems, offering materials and toll-free phone lines to assist men, women, and children across North America who desire help. Log on to for more information about the ways this ministry helps rescue families from the damaging effects of chemical dependency.

Division of Education
Many students feel a calling into ministry and a desire to prepare for ministry by attending Bible college. Many of these same students face challenges in raising finances for their tuition. Fortunately, SFC has given over $1 million to provide scholarships to qualified young people seeking to be trained for service in the kingdom of God. The General Youth Division is grateful for the opportunity to partner with these worthy recipients. Visit for information about the ministry of the Division of Education.

Global Missions
Without reliable transportation, many of our missionaries would not be able to spread the Gospel into areas that have rough terrain or are far from their homes. Over 20 million dollars has been given to the Global Missions Division to purchase vehicles for missionaries. No missionary should have to forfeit evangelizing their field of burden because of insufficient transportation. For more information about the Global Missions Division, visit

North American Missions
One of the biggest challenges for a North American missionary is purchasing or renovating property in order to have adequate facilities for church services. SFC provides grants of up to $25,000 to assist North American missionaries in purchasing property or remodeling an existing building. This is just another way that SFC helps to expand revival across North America. Visit for more information.


First United Pentecostal Church Senior Bible Quizzing
Senior Bible Quizzing is a leadership development ministry for the youth (12-18 years old) of the United Pentecostal Church International based on the memorization and application of the Word of God. Students at First United Pentecostal church memorize 400-500 Bible scriptures a year and compete at State, Regional, and National Tournaments through out the year

Multi-Cultural Ministries
Thai Ministry
This ministry is assisting Bro. Bunthean Nhothsiri in the work in Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand.

IEVP, which is an extension of the Multi-Cultural Ministry of First United Pentecostal Church of Nashville, hosts English Language Classes to immigrants and refugees helping them assimilate into American Culture, learn about History and Government, and lean the English Language.  Bible Classes are also offered at IEVP.  

When & Where

Apr 21, 2018


8:00 AM

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Mt Juliet, TN

Charlie Daniels Park

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